Selling In A Virtual Environment Course

The rules are different. This course will show attendees the different approaches needed to craft a virtual message in a way that inspires confidence
This Course is registered with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund.  Find out more by visiting
As face to face meetings become fewer, and online negotiations become common place, it has become imperative that you can sell in a virtual way. The rules are different. The communication works in a new way. The skills you need are similar but have altered in significant and often unrealised ways. This course focuses on how to connect and hold attention in new ways. It will show attendees the different approaches needed to craft a virtual message in a way that inspires confidence.

Course Content

  • The real differences in virtual selling, why they matter and what to do about it.
  • New levels of connection.
  • The importance of preparation.
  • What and how to prepare for effective selling.
  • What approaches will work and how to modify what you do now – the structure and delivery dynamics.
  • The multi-level sales approach.
  • Three keys to building confidence and trust online.
  • The 3 selling senses and how to connect to them effectively.
  • Building trust and rapport in the virtual space.
  • Moving the conversation forward quickly and efficiently.
  • Virtual presentations and follow up.

Learning Outcomes

Understand & know...
  • The differences between physical sales and online sales – what has changed and what stays the same?
  • The advantages of being virtual and how to use them.
  • The preparation factors.
  • The three senses you MUST connect with if you are to succeed.
  • How to separate yourself from the competition effectively.
  • The need for a different structured approach.
  • The construction and use of a slide deck.
  • The theatre of online selling.
  • Closing and follow-up.


Price: $495 NZD/hour (Per business)


  1. Online Public Workshop: Duration: 3 modules X 90 minutes
  2. Live Public Workshop Duration: Half Day
  3. In-house

e Commitment:

  1. Half-day initially, then 2 x 1 hr sessions, over 45 days
  2. Half-day initially, then 3 x 1½ hr sessions, over 90 days
  3. Full-day initially, then 3 x 1½ hr sessions, over 90 days

Auckland | Bay Of Plenty | Canterbury | East Coast | Hawke's Bay | Manawatu Wanganui | Marlborough Nelson Tasman | Northland | Otago | Southland | Taranaki | Waikato | Wellington | West Coast
This Course is registered with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund.
Find out more by visiting