Sales Strategy Workshop

Before you build anything, plan! The key outcome - A strategic sales plan for your business.
This Course is registered with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund.  Find out more by visiting

Before we build anything we need to have a plan.

Why build a sales plan?

It helps to plan for the unforeseen risks so they can be overcome It gives a benchmark of where we want to go, how we can get there, and allows us to adjust the plan as necessary It drives creative thinking- helps focus on the bigger picture.

Course Content

Working with you, we facilitate a workshop which will cover the following stages:

The 1st Step of Building a Sales Planning Process is to analyse where you are at.
To determine where you are going you first have to see where you have been.

Some questions we ask are:
  • What business are we in?
  • Who are our customers?
  • Where did most of our sales come from?
  • Where do we want sales to come from?
  • What are some external/Internal factors that can impact sales? Eg. Industry trends, Technology, Competition, Business Environment etc.

2nd Step - Set Goals.
Goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound)
* Example: "Achieve 1 Million in New Sales by December 31st, 2018"

3rd Step - Develop the Sales Plan.
This is the meat of your sales plan and is the most critical in helping you achieve your goals. It will outline all the strategies and tactics that you are going to use to assist you in achieving your goals.

The basic workshop runs for 1/2 a day in some cases a full day is required. Participants should include the key members of your Sales, Marketing & Operations teams.

The key outcome
- A strategic sales plan for YOUR business


Price: $495 NZD (Per person)

Time Commitment: The basic workshop runs for 1/2 a day in some cases a full day is required.

Locations: Auckland | Bay Of Plenty | Canterbury | East Coast | Hawke's Bay | Manawatu Wanganui | Marlborough Nelson Tasman | Northland | Otago | Southland | Taranaki | Waikato | Wellington | West Coast
This Course is registered with the Management Capability Development Voucher Fund.
Find out more by visiting